How Much Money Will You Make to Operate A Double Decker Carousel for Your Amusement Park in A Year?

As an operator in amusement park, while choosing the amusement ride to buy, profits is the first thing you need to consider. For Double Decker carousel ride, it is a profitable investment for your amusement park. So do you know how much money will you make to operate a Double Decker carousel for your amusement park in a year? From a professional carousel manufacturer’s perspective, in Dinis, we can help count the approximate income from different aspects.

What Is the Double Decker Carousel for Amusement Park Quote in Dinis Factory?

First of all, you need know the price of a Double Decker merry go round. In our factory, we have 48 seats and 38 seats 2 story carousel horse for sale. The approximate price is $160000-$210000. And the detailed quote depend on your own needs, such as the size, custom design, materials, etc. What’s more, we will give you 5%-10% off on the price if you buy our Double Decker carousel for sale.

38/48 seats 2 story carousel
  • Power: 11 kw
  • Voltage: 380 v
  • Height: 11.5 m
  • Diameter: 11-14.5 m

Estimate the Costs You Need Spend to Operate A 2 Story Carousel in the Playground in A Year

The cost to operate a 2 story carousel ride includes many aspects: equipment cost, employee wages, venue rental, maintenance cost, and other marketing costs. Let’s do a suppose next.

Suppose that the price of the double storey carousel you buy for your amusement park is $180000. It can be regarded as one-time expenses.

Generally, you need 1-2 employees to operate the equipment and make sure the normal running of the carousel ride. Pay each person $30000 for each year, and totally you need pay $60000 for them.

The detailed venue rental is depending on the amusement park location. Suppose that the annual venue rental is $20000.

The cost of maintenance includes daily maintenance, electricity fee, and other costs. Suppose it needs $15000 in a year.

Such as advertising cost, management cost, and other cost also need to be considered. Suppose you need pay $5000 each year.

Totally, for the operating cost, you need spend $100000 in a year. Of course, all of the above costs just offer a reference for you. You can count them according to your detailed situation.

Estimate the Annual Income You Will Get from the Double Decker Merry Go Round Ride

Next, let’s count the annual income you will get to operate the amusement park Double Decker merry go round ride from the following aspects.

Suppose that there are 2000 customers coming to your amusement park each day. And there are 100 people who will ride on the double-decker carousel.

Suppose that the ticket price is 5 dollars for each person each time. And in a day, you will get 500 dollars income.

We suppose that you operate the double-decker merry-go-round in everyday, and then in a year(365 days), you will make 182500 dollars totally.

However, it is impossible to operate your business everyday, so you need to consider this according to your detailed situation.

annual income of the amusement park 2 story carousel ride

How much Net Profit Will You Get to Operate Your Amusement Park Double Decker Carousel in A Year?

Considering the costs you spend and the income you get, you will get 82,500 dollars net profit in total. Thant means in 2-3 years, you can cover the cost and make net profits next. Of course, we just do the basic suppose for you as a reference. You can do more detailed suppose for your amusement park merry go round carousel ride.

To summary, to buy a Double Decker carousel ride for sale is a profitable investment for your amusement park business. Any other questions, welcome to contact us right now!

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